Why Tree Banding?

Dutch Elm Disease is a fungal virus prevalent in Winnipeg that infects Elm Trees.  The disease is spread by the Elm Bark Beetle which carries the fungus from tree to tree - infecting the tree and attacking the tree's immune system.

When a tree is infected with Dutch Elm Disease it can defend itself from the virus, but it needs to have a strong immune system if it is going to survive.  A trees immune system is dependent on it absorbing energy from the sun.  Trees absorb light from the Sun through their leaves and through a chemical process call photosynthesis they turn that light into energy.  For a tree to be healthy it needs to have a full set of leaves, allowing it to absorb as much energy from the Sun as possible.  

Canker Worms eat the leaves of hardwood trees, which can significantly limit a tree's ability to feed itself.  Canker Worm Moths crawl up hardwood trees in September and in April to lay their eggs near the leaves.  The eggs then hatch in the late spring and early summer.  

Tree banding catches the Canker Worm Moths as they crawl up trees.  The moths then get stuck in the sticky substance of the tree band, tanglefoot, which prevents moths from laying their eggs near the leaves of the banded tree.  This method stops the Cankers Worms from interfering with the natural process of photosynthesis and helps the tree strengthen its immune system, enabling the tree to better defend itself from disease.

How we do it : 
In September we place a band made of piping insulation on hardwood trees that we secure with staples and tape.  We then apply a glaze of tanglefoot (a non-toxic, sticky substance made from processed tree sap) on the band of piping insulation.  This method provides more insulation and prevents the worm from sneaking under.

Canker Worms have two seasonal cycles so a reapplication of a second layer of tangle foot is required in at the beginning of April due to the wear and tear on the band by the elements.

We then take down the tree bands at the end of May.  It is important to take down the tree bands because trees grow outwards.  For the tree to grown in the spot of the tree band the tree band needs to be removed once a year.